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My Karma Just Ran Over Your Dogma…

From AndyITGuy who summed it up perfectly:

For everything else there’s karma

Per the article above "Now he’s one of the first victims of such an attack. "It’s funny," he said. "I got owned."*

Yeah, real funny. 


* There’s lots of thrashing going on as to the veracity of HD’s quote rearding being owned.  Regardless of the theatrics involved, it’s interesting food for thought when the result of exploit research might be turned against the researcher…

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  1. Chris
    July 30th, 2008 at 10:10 | #1

    According to the article, an ISP DNS server was hit. While this may be poetic justice for Moore, I wonder how many other customers of that ISP may also have been victimized?

  2. July 30th, 2008 at 11:12 | #2

    @Chris: All of Austin.
    I still don't consider this "pwnage" and HD says he never said "It's funny, I got owned."
    "pwnage" has lost its lackluster over the years…

  3. July 30th, 2008 at 12:21 | #3

    I recognize that he wasn't compromised directly, but an upstream ISP was, which just goes to show how the "we're more secure" argument isn't as profound as it's touted to be…only as strong as the weakest link…
    Call it what you will, it's ironic as hell.

  4. July 30th, 2008 at 12:49 | #4

    Ironic, yes. Pwned, no.
    Pageview whoring from NetworkWorld = Infuriating.
    This crap is no better than the Enquirer, and doesn't even mention Elvis sightings or men that give birth.

  5. Anonymous
    August 1st, 2008 at 10:52 | #5

    More misquotes and sensationalist reporting from IDG… http://www.metasploit.com/blog

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