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Cloud Light Presents: Real Men Of Genius – Mr. Dump All Your Crap In the Cloud Guy.

It’s full of awesomesauce.


Cloud Light Presents…Real Men of Genius
{Real Men of Genius…}

Today we salute you, Mr. Dump-All-Your-Crap-In-the-Cloud Guy
{Mr. Dump-All-Your-Crap-In-the-Cloud Guy}

Some seek danger in cliff diving…others? Competitive eating…flamethrowing or ferret wrestling. But You? You put data in other people’s hands in the Cloud
{You’re asking for it}

Armed with a SAS-70 and a license to commit PCI, you live your life with a simple code: Finders keepers, losers weepers
{Finders Keepers}

Some people mock you, sure. But you paid $8.32 for your EC2 spot instances and well, you just can’t get that from Dreamhost
{who’s laughin’ now?}

So crack open a cloud instance, oh King of the Cloud…we’d give you our data, but you’ve probably already lost it
{Mr. Dump-All-Your-Crap-In-the-Cloud Guy}

Cloudheiser Bushed, Poughkipsie, New Jersey…

  1. scofmon
    January 23rd, 2010 at 06:27 | #1

    Awesome. 🙂

  2. January 13th, 2011 at 19:28 | #2

    That is too funny. I could hear the voice over guy singing that to me in my head.

  3. October 4th, 2011 at 03:10 | #3

    grandiosa osurga de houxamo y dajupos con dicavul eireiraco. fibent a zeloeir y prevabu onicalt con tissentre fomida!

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