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Beyond the Sumo Match: Crosby, Herrod, Skoudis and Hoff…VirtSec Death Match @ RSA!

December 15th, 2008 Leave a comment Go to comments

Besides the sumo suit wrestling match I'm organizing between myself and Simon Crosby at this year's coming RSA 2009 show, I'm really excited to announce that there will be another exciting virtualization security (VirtSec) event happening at the show.

Thanks to Tim Mather at RSA, much scheming and planning has paid off:

"In this verbal cage match session, two well known critics of virtualization security take on two virtualization company CTOs as they spar over how best to secure virtualization platforms: who should be responsible for securing it, and how that ultimately impacts customers and attackers.  We have Hoff and Skoudis versus Crosby and Herrod.  Refereeing will be respected analyst, Antonopoulos."

Simon Crosby (Citrix CTO), Steve Herrod (VMware CTO), Ed Skoudis (InGuardians) and myself will have a lively debate moderated by Andreas Antonopoulos (Nemertes) that is sure to entertain and educate folks as to the many fascinating issues surrounding the present and future of VirtSec.  I expect to push the discussion toward cloud security also…

WAR! 😉

Stay tuned for further announcements.

  1. Virgil
    December 16th, 2008 at 17:36 | #1

    I really hope this is digitally recorded and distributed.

  2. Steven Andrés
    December 17th, 2008 at 10:03 | #2

    What's the over/under and how can I get some action? I'm sure someone in Vegas already has this up on the big board.

  1. January 17th, 2011 at 15:25 | #1